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Journey to the Future #6 - The Future of Gender Equality
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Oct 13, 2022 10:00 AM
Join us in our upcoming talk about The future and gender equality! Exploring scenarios, opportunities, and challenges of a future society – built on diversity and equality.
What does the future have to do with gender equality? What do modern cities with flying cars, urban farming, decentralized communities, circular economies, and ecological balance have to do with women’s rights and equal society?
We are excited to host an amazing panel with seasoned guests – bringing in perspectives from economy, NGOs, social innovation, and technology… and the future!
Our topics:
✨ Women in leadership; positions with decisional power in economy, politics, and culture
✨ Women in technology; shaping science, R&D, technology, and core transformational drivers of society
✨ Women in thought leadership; developing visions for a sustainable future with all citizens in mind
✨ Women in societal co-design; cultural equity and redefining stakeholder societies
We are very excited to see you there!