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Daniels Talks | The Architect and the Public: On George Baird's Contribution to Architecture
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Nov 5, 2020 11:30 PM
Andrew Choptiany (Carmody Groarke)
Hans Ibelings (Daniels Faculty)
Joan Ockman (University of Pennsylvania)
Michael Piper (Daniels Faculty)
Richard Sommer (Daniels Faculty)
Brigitte Shim (Daniels Faculty)
Moderated by
Roberto Damiani (Daniels Faculty)
The event is the first of a series of conversations to launch the recently published book The Architect and the Public. On George Baird's Contribution to Architecture (Quodlibet, 2020). The first group of speakers moderated by Roberto Damiani, the book editor, includes Brigitte Shim as a discussant and the volume contributors Joan Ockman, Richard Sommer, Hans Ibelings, Michael Piper, and Andrew Choptiany.