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COVID-19 impact on people with mental health conditions and beyond
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

May 18, 2021 09:00 AM

Join this webinar co-hosted by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and GAMIAN-Europe to kick off day 2 of the European Public Health Week (Tuesday 18 May 2021), dedicated to "New challenges in mental health". Confirmed speakers: Daniel Chisholm, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Tomas Zdechovsky, Member of the European Parliament, EPP Group, Czech Republic Prof. Jutta Lindert, Vice-President of Public Mental Health Section, EUPHA; Professor of Public Health, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer; Woman`s research center, Brandeis University, Waltham, USA Helen Bennet, Board member at GAMIAN-Europe and nurse by profession Erik Van der Eycken, Expert-by-Experience Stephania Dimech Sant, CEO Richmond Foundation Group discussion led by Nigel Olisa, Executive Director, GAMIAN-Europe For full details, visit