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The Work of Your Church: An Evening in Support of Episcopal Migration Ministries with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Iconographer Mr. Kelly Latimore
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Jun 23, 2021 10:00 PM
Join EMM and The Episcopal Church Office of Development on Wednesday, June 23 at 6PM EDT, as they host a panel discussion highlighting the invitation of religious iconography and its call to galvanize us in EMM’s ministry to refugees and asylum seekers, as wells become a vehicle for the work of social justice and racial reconciliation. Mr. Kelly Latimore, whose stunning works have helped redefine the Imago Dei beyond the usual white depictions of Jesus and saints, has featured prominently in the last few years within Episcopal and Roman Catholic communities alike, and has even gone beyond the walls of faith communities as a rallying point in civil discourse.
We’ll look at EMM’s historic roots of responding to the needs of refugees through the lens of the iconic 1938 ‘In the Name of These Refugees’ poster, and then to the future and current state of its work as it responds to the needs of migrants and asylum seekers, and EMM’s commission from Mr. Latimore of a new visual representation that reflects this newer ministry in the 21st century.
The 60-minute event will include a moderated panel discussion, followed by a question and answer session, with the following guests:
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
Mr. Kelly Latimore, Iconographer
The Rev. Cn. Chuck Robertson, PhD., Moderator and Canon for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church (includes Episcopal Migration Ministries)
Donations will be solicited and go towards EMM’s life-saving resettlement and engagement work. Registration is free but required.