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Industry Report: The Key Phone Trends of 2022 from a Dentist's Perspective
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Selected Sessions:

Apr 6, 2023 06:00 PM

As dental managers, owners, and providers reflect back on 2022, it's important to evaluate areas of excellence and improvement. One key tool - the phone - has enabled dental practices to capture new patients, bolster patient experience, and convert more marketing campaigns into tangible revenue. In fact, phone performance can be THE determining factor in whether or not a dental organization considers a given year a success. In this live webinar, Call Box's Ford Kirk and Dentacloud's Dr. John Maggirias will uncover the top five phone trends of 2022 and reveal how these trends have impacted dental practices and DSOs. They'll look back at the lessons learned from 2022 and share specific phone handling metrics owners and managers should look to improve in 2023. Furthermore, they'll reveal emerging trends in phone handling technology and techniques to look out for in the upcoming year. Attend to learn: 1. The top 5 phone trends of 2022 and how your dental practice stacks up 2. Key areas of phone handling performance to improve upon in 2023 3. Phone handling benchmarks and KPIs you should be focused on 4. Emerging trends in phone handling technology and techniques