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Statewide Webinar, CSCP Trail Map: Setting the Course for Effective Programming
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Aug 21, 2024 04:00 PM
Join us for the first statewide CSCP webinar for the 2024-25 school year. We've tailored this session to provide school CSCP teams with essential tools and strategies, empowering them to finalize their plans for the upcoming year. Dive into discussions geared towards mapping out clear routes to success and gain the confidence to effectively share your SIP- and ASCA-aligned programs.
Acknowledgement Statement:
I acknowledge that as a condition of participating in the webinar, CSCP Trail Map: Setting the Course for Effective Programming, that I am required to comply with the Hatching Results Intellectual Property Policy stated below:
1. The CSCP Trail Map: Setting the Course for Effective Programming presentations contain intellectual property of Hatching Results, Inc., and is specifically designed for the purpose of training district leaders to implement comprehensive school counseling programs within their schools.
2. The use of the copyrighted and proprietary materials provided to participants in the CSCP Trail Map: Setting the Course for Effective Programming presentations is restricted, and may only be used by registered participants within their district.
3.For registered participants employed by a county or regional office of education, and whose role is to provide professional development and support to school counselors in public schools, permission is granted to use copyrighted and proprietary materials shared in the CSCP Trail Map: Setting the Course for Effective Programming presentations with staff in schools within their specific leadership area.
4. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the contents of presentations are to be held in confidence and shall not be copied, shared or disclosed to others for any unauthorized purposes.
5. In the event of any actual or suspected breach of this obligation, Hatching Results will take legal action to remedy the breach.