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Making Energy Work Webinar Series - Net Energy Metering - Why it's Important and What's at Stake
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Jun 23, 2020 07:00 PM

Across the country, 49 states have some sort of net metering offering in place, which has helped create a market for customer-sited solar within the traditional utility business model. Without net metering, the financial incentives for customer-sited solar look very different. In this webinar, we'll cover the basics of net metering, its implementation, how it has led to rise of the customer-sited solar industry, and some of the challenges to the policy developing within the southeast and at the federal level. Supporting Sponsor: NC Clean Energy Technology Center Where Energy Policy Gets to Work. Over the course of six months, NCSEA will be offering a monthly webinar series featuring varying topics in clean energy from finance to policy and market insights. Join hundreds of attendees from across the country to get the latest scoop on trending clean energy topics sweeping the industry. Each webinar will feature nationally and regionally renowned experts within their respective fields to help shape the conversations driving forward clean energy in North Carolina and the country.