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Making Energy Work Webinar Series - Innovative Financing Models for Low and Moderate Income Participation in Clean Energy
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Aug 11, 2020 07:00 PM

Over the past decade, we've seen a substantial growth in clean energy within the utility, commercial, and residential spaces. Though many have benefited from this success, low and moderate income communities have been left behind. In an attempt to address this disparity utilities, private companies, and advocates have begun to implement creative financing models that provide access to energy efficiency upgrades, solar installation, and electric vehicles to these often overlooked communities. Tune in to this webinar to hear from experts across the country who are innovating and implementing these cutting edge programs. Where Energy Policy Gets to Work. Over the course of six months, NCSEA will be offering a monthly webinar series featuring varying topics in clean energy from finance to policy and market insights. Join hundreds of attendees from across the country to get the latest scoop on trending clean energy topics sweeping the industry. Each webinar will feature nationally and regionally renowned experts within their respective fields to help shape the conversations driving forward clean energy in North Carolina and the country.