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ORCA's in ACTION Fall Summit
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Oct 27, 2021 06:00 PM

This virtual summit is for anyone interested in the LPM ORCAs in Action initiative and the industry’s fight against organized retail crime (ORC). In response to the scope and severity of ORC concerns across the country, there has been a rapidly growing effort by retailers and law enforcement agencies to share information about organized retail crime at the local, state, and regional levels. Organized Retail Crime Associations (ORCAs) have helped provide that vehicle, opening doors to improve legislation, enhance investigations, and build cooperative relationships in the battle against these criminal enterprises. We’re inviting everyone across the loss prevention industry to join us for LPM’s ongoing virtual events as together we learn more from top industry leaders and subject-matter experts about ORCAs, how they operate, the essential work that they do in communities across the country, and how you can get more involved in these critically important public/private partnerships. Session 1— 2:05–2:40 Dissecting Success: An Inside Look at Operation Bleeding Edge Join us as investigators review Operation Bleeding Edge, including how the case came together and the cooperative efforts necessary to build the largest organized retail crime case in the history of the state of Colorado. Session 2 — 2:40–3:15 Follow The Money:Recouping ORC Losses Through Improved Recoveries. Looking at the process of ORC recovery and the success in mitigating the financial loss and impact that ORC has across the organization. Session 3 — 3:15–3:55 The Carrot and the Hammer: The Education Bargaining Chip for Stricter ORC Sentencing. This presentation examines how communities are considering education for first-time, low-level offenders as an offset to pushing for more severe sentencing for high-value crimes and frequent offenders. Session 4 — 3:55–4:15 National ORCA Movement Update: Get an update on how over 15 ORCAs are securely collaborating within and across states.