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Tool Time Tuesdays in September!
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Sep 24, 2024 12:00 PM

9/3/24: Tips for Managing Emotions During Meetings - Meetings can get tough, and when tensions rise, clear communication often takes a backseat. On September 3rd, join us where we’ll share tips and tricks to help you steer through these challenging moments with confidence. Let’s turn tension into teamwork together! Presented by Anastacia Newton, Parent Educator 9/10/24: The Power of Good Questions - Asking the right questions can help make meetings or important conversations more productive. ECAC has gathered a collection of questions that can help parents participate in their child's education in a meaningful way. Let's talk about ECAC's Talk Tools and how to use them! Presented by Doreen Byrd, Lead Parent Educator 9/17/24: Bilingual Story Tales - In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, ECAC's bilingual staff will highlight books that parents can use to reinforce reading skills in either language to their children. Presented by Milagros Ramos, Lead Bilingual Parent Educator 9/24/24: What is ECAC?: Tune in to learn more about ECAC, who we are, what we believe, what we do and what we do not do. We will share information about our different programs and resources for parents, youth and the professionals who serve them. Presented by Aimee Combs, Executive Director