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Learning That Matters
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Mar 24, 2021 04:00 PM

In this invigorating webinar, four long-time friends will explore three critical themes of their book, Learning that Matters: equity, culturally-affirming teaching strategies, and design principles. Join in the conversation with the educator-authors, who are committed to enacting practices for transformative learning for every student, no longer content to wait for others to chart that path for them. Learning that Matters: A Field Guide to Course Design for Transformative Education is a pragmatic resource for designing courses that engage college students as active citizens. This "work" book provides research-informed approaches for creating learning experiences and developing innovative, intellectually-engaging courses. Whether a novice or a veteran, by engaging with the text, collaborating with colleagues, and reflecting on the important work of a teacher, any motivated educator can become a transformative educator. Perfect for courses such as: Education Curriculum and Instruction | Design for Transformative Learning | An Introduction to Evidence-based Undergraduate Teaching | New Faculty Orientations | Freshman Seminar Faculty Trainings | Center for Teaching & Learning | Workshops in Course Design The Zoom webinar is co-hosted by Myers Education Press and Stylus Publishing.