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4th Spring Flowers International Conference on Myanmar & Myanmar Union Day
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Feb 15, 2025 08:00 AM

PROGRAM UPDATE: Saturday, February 15, 2025, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST 09:00 AM: Welcome and Introduction by Conference team 09:10 AM: Keynotes by H.E. U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Hon. Tom Andrews, Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun 09:10 AM: Refresher from previous Day Presentation and Discussions by Conference Facilitators 10:00 AM: Keynote on Higher Education, Experience from Vietnam by Professor Anh Tran, Ph.D. 10:30 AM: EXPERT PANEL 3. CONSTITUTIONAL DESIGN THROUGH BOTTOM-UP APPROACH FEDERALISM BUILDING Panelists: Prof. David Williams (keynote), Hon. Moe Zaw Oo, U Thwin Linn Aung, Kento Pau Sian Lian, Ph.D., Kevin Chang, moderated by Dashi Blessing 12:00 PM: Asian Buffet Lunch provided at first floor 12:45 PM: Large Roundtable Discussions 01:30 PM: Small Group Discussions: 1. Advocacy Strategies to the U.S. Government and International Community (CE405) 2. Strategies To Mobilize Supports for The People Inside Myanmar HE (CE409) 3. PEACE and UNITY Solution for Myanmar (Executive Room) 03:00 PM: Break 03:05 PM Keynote 03:40 PM: Group Reports Presentation and Q&A by Facilitators 03:50 PM: Announcements and Concluding Remarks by Conference Planning Team