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Year 6 SATs Vocabulary - Session B
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Mar 13, 2025 06:00 PM
- Introduction to The Exam Coach and our workshops.
- The Exam Coach tutor will test students' knowledge of high frequency tricky words that are often tested for in the Year 6 SATs and their synonyms.
- They will then review Year 6 SATs style questions with the students and give them ways to remember word definitions through visual cues.
- They will also show different applications of words in varied contexts.
Also included:
- Class test.
- Individual test.
- Class notes (these are circulated 24 hours after the workshop).
If your child is in Year 5 or 6, they will be preparing for their SATs, which will impact their sets and streaming in secondary school.
The depth and breadth of a student's vocabulary will be tested as part of the English exam.
Exam Coach workshops are upbeat and engaging with short stories, funny GIFs and memes (designed to aid learning), as well as quick fire tests to ensure students are retaining information. If you’d like your child to participate in an enjoyable and worthwhile learning experience - sign them up!
Appropriate for:
- Pupils in years 5 to 6. A mixed difficulty of questions will be included.
- Each workshop is self-contained. This means you can join a workshop whenever it suits your child, they do not need to have attended any other workshops beforehand.
Individual test:
- Students will be given five test questions at the end of the workshop. These should be answered during the workshop in the student's notes.
- Class notes are sent out 24 hours after the workshop containing the answers to this test.
- Students should review these notes to check their answers and revise the content covered to consolidate newly acquired information.
Exam type: questions will be applicable to the Year 6 SATs.
Workshop length: 45 minutes
Available spaces: 30