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RSA Professional Development Webinar Series - Virtual Events: Conquering the worldwide webinar: How to plan and deliver a webinar
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Oct 21, 2020 02:00 PM

Speaker: Alex Holmes (Regional Studies Association, UK) Chair: Daniela Carl (Regional Studies Association, UK) Are you finding yourself in the position that you have been requested to organise and host a webinar? This session will give you useful tips about how to prepare and host a webinar by yourself, giving valuable technical insights and providing an overview of “lessons learnt” from the RSA’s own Professional Development Webinar Series. ---------------------------- About this webinar: This webinar series offers training and support for skills, knowledge and professional development on a variety of topics. Run by experts in their field, this ‘how to’ best practice webinar series aims to support RSA members and interested participants at different career stages. Each webinar will be 30 minutes long, feature one or two presenters and allow for live questions and answers. We will run a webinar three times per month on topics of interest members have told us they would like support on. We welcome new members to the RSA. More information on membership benefits and how to join the Association can be found here: