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Your Workforce: Your Future 2021: 'Training for an agile workforce'
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Oct 20, 2021 09:00 AM
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Your Workforce: Your Future 2021: 'Training for an agile workforce'
An annual event held by HCF Training & Development to discuss current workforce training needs and to introduce you to opportunities for training in the Hertfordshire voluntary sector. We are happy to announce that our key speakers include:
• Ted Maddex, Senior Development Manager, Adult Care Services, Hertfordshire County Council on working in partnership with the voluntary sector
• Robin Clifford, Senior Learning & Development Officer, Hertfordshire County Council on Learning & Development opportunities in the adult social care sector
• Jane Vanzyl, Chief Executive, Working Families on Creating an agile workforce and leading a successful, flexible and hybrid team.
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By completing the registration form you are agreeing to allow HCF to use the information provided for the administration and delivery of the training and to retain your details on our database. To facilitate training HCF will share this information with the training provider. Your name and organisation details will be shared with the funder for monitoring purposes only. Your data will not be passed onto any other third parties. It will be held until such time when you request that it is removed or HCF chooses to remove it.
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